Saturday, September 21, 2013

Body and Soul

Disciple: Master, is it true that the soul is in the body, like a center is in a circle? And, is it true that from this center deep within us we are able to speak to God?

Master: Yes, but there is more. This also is true: That the body is in the soul. The soul is like a spiritual skin that holds the body within.


Disciple: Do you mean that the soul contains the body, just as I can carry different things in a sack? Do you mean that my soul carries and moves me, every part of me?


Master: Yes. The soul is also what opens you to reality, to all that is, all of you , your entire being, to all that is, including God.


Disciple: Master: If that is true. why am I so stuck inside myself? Why do I feel isolated and alone, as if only I were here? Why do I have a hard time connecting with others, and God?

Master: The pores of your spiritual skin are clogged, my son.


Disciple: How do I unclog them? What do I do? Tell me, please!


Master: The answer will take a lifetime, but now is always the time to begin. Begin by taking the time to wonder,  at Beauty,  at Goodness,  at Truth as they enter your soul from all that surrounds you. Let your soul be stirred,  let your mind and heart be moved. Listen to the promptings your soul receives. This will unclog your spirit and start to move you outside of yourself, and you will begin to grow.

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